Vaulta - Blog

Fully Charged Show Features Vaulta

Written by Vaulta | 19 Feb 2024

Featured recently at the Fully Charged Show, Vaulta showcased its groundbreaking approach to battery technology. Unlike traditional counterparts, Vaulta’s batteries are not just bigger versions of residential units like the Powerwall; they are designed to scale seamlessly from home energy storage solutions to massive grid-scale projects.

A big thanks to Robert Llewellyn and the team at Fully Charged Show & Everything Electric for coming to visit Vaulta, and chat all things stationary and circular batteries. At 60,000 views since its release on a month ago, we can only be thankful to the Fully Charged Show.

Enjoy this 11 mins with one of the great characters (Robert, not Dominic) of the industry: THIS Recyclable Tech Solves Batteries’ Biggest Problem!


Showcasing Vaulta’s innovative solutions further, the Everything Electric expo in Sydney came shortly after this. Energy and transport professionals, including Vaulta, has gathered at this extraordinary event to join the movement towards cleaner, more sustainable energy solutions.